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All About Pipe Reaming: What You Ought to Know

All About Pipe Reaming: What You Ought to Know

Posted by Paykoc Pipes ,Nov 24th 2015

Cake is carbon that accumulates on the inside of the pipe bowl. Each time tobacco is burned some of this carbon residue is left behind and attaches itself to the walls of the bowl. Over time it accumulates, creating a useful buffer between the burning tobacco and the pipe. A decent cake helps the tobacco burn more evenly and slowly and taste its best. The carbon cake also protects the pipe from burning through; an important consideration in most pipes. Most pipes, but not meerschaum pipes.

Cake: Where Briarwood and Meerschaum Pipes Diverge

A common mistake pipe enthusiasts who buy or receive a meerschaum as a gift will make is to cultivate a nice cake inside the bowl. The fact is , however, that while cake is essential to a smooth, flavorful burn in a briarwood pipe, it’s not only unnecessary, it is in fact unwanted in a meerschaum pipe.

This is because, unlike briarwood, meerschaum does not burn and so does not need to be protected from burning through like briarwood does. Also, because the cake will expand when the pipe is in use it may in fact eventually cause the meerschaum to crack, essentially ruining your beautiful new pipe.

All of this brings us to the subject of reaming. Reaming is the process of removing cake from the bowl and it’s an essential process regardless of the kind of pipe you have. What changes is not the need for the bowl to be reamed but the goal of the reaming and the materials involved. To be clear:

  • You ream a briarwood pipe to maintain the optimal cake thickness for the best burn.
  • You ream meerschaum pipes to remove all the cake from the bowl to prevent damage to the meerschaum.

Because your goal is different when reaming a meerschaum the tools and techniques you’ll use will be slightly different as well. Some of those tools and techniques include:

  • The Standard Reamer - There’s one school of thought that says all you’ll ever need to keep your meerschaum cake-free is a standard reamer and a light touch. That second part is important because meerschaum is a naturally soft material and you run the risk of removing bits of the inside of the bowl if you apply too much pressure with a standard reamer.
  • Sandpaper - One popular alternative method of reaming meerschaum pipes is to use a bit of 500 grit or lighter sandpaper to scour the bowl after each use and remove any residue. Others caution against this due to the possibility you could wear down the edge of the rim in the process. If you’re careful however, an ultra-light sandpaper should work just fine.
  • Pipe Cleaners - Many meerschaum owners will take a standard pipe cleaner, fold it in half and gently rub the inside of the bowl with it after every use to remove whatever residue accumulated during the smoke.
  • Paper Towels/Cloths - Another popular alternative to the standard reamer is the standard paper towel or cloth. Essentially you do the same thing you would do with the folded pipe cleaner: you rub the inside of the bowl after each use to remove any residue.

Whatever you do you should never ream a meerschaum pipe with:

  • A Knife - Meerschaum pipes are often elaborately carved. This is because meerschaum is soft and lends itself to carving. Using a knife to clean your meerschaum will likely lead to your own unintended additions to the pipe’s artwork.
  • A Paper Towel or Rag Dipped in Everclear - Some will advise using a bit of Everclear on the paper towel or rag and scouring the bowl with that. However, as Everclear has alcohol in it and alcohol is known to be detrimental to meerschaum you should err on the side of caution and avoid using Everclear on the meerschaum itself.


  • You should make certain that you don’t tap your pipe on a hard surface in an attempt to jar loose stubborn residue. This could cause your pipe to crack, rendering it useless.
  • Also, remember to give your meerschaum plenty of time to cool before cleaning the bowl, regardless of which technique you ultimately use.
  • Above all, be patient. When cleaning your meerschaum you’ll want to respect the fragile nature of the material and the time and craftsmanship that went into carving it. A nice relaxed attitude when reaming the bowl will go a long way toward ensuring your pipe will last for years to come.

At Paykoc Imports we have a soft spot in our hearts for meerschaum pipes, as they were the first product we promoted more than 3 decades ago. Today, we still believe in the ability of the meerschaum pipe to enchant through its craftsmanship and satisfy through its natural qualities as a tobacco medium. Each meerschaum pipe we sell is a unique work of art with a rich historical and cultural legacy, and if properly cared for they are quite capable of lasting a lifetime.