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Show Your Support for Ukraine With the Kyiv Mule

As the horrifying events in Ukraine grind on with no obvious end in sight, people around the world are looking for ways they can show their support to the Ukrainian people. Some are sending money to a …

Examining Claims That Copper Products Reduce Health Risks

It's likely that the coronavirus is here to stay in one form or another, and most people seem to have accepted that and gotten back to the business of living their lives. Still, anything that might be …

Unpacking the "Copper Mug Poisoning" Myth

In 2017, a kerfuffle in Iowa involving copper mugs garnered national attention and helped popularize the myth that drinking out of them was somehow dangerous. The issue arose when local health inspect …

Try These Seven Bar Tricks to Impress Your Friends

Everyone wants to be the cool one at the bar. When you’re alone, it’s a good place to be a wallflower. But with your friends- time to step up your game. One great way to impress people is with bar …

Six of America's Most Famous Bars

Six of America's Most Famous Bars

Posted by Paykoc Imports

Whether you’re looking for the best place to enjoy a cold one with your buddies while watching football or you fancy a Moscow Mule served in a custom copper mug there's an iconic bar out there in the …